Sunday, February 25, 2007

Kjell's First Attempt at Crawling

Here's a post with a couple of "firsts". First off, I'm (Jamie) trying my hand at posting video to the blog. Hopefully, it will work for all of our regular visitors. Second, the video is proof positive that Kjell has started crawling - sort of. Last night and again this morning, he scooted backwards while on all fours. Tonight, during undies time, he actually took 2-3 "steps" forward while on all fours. By the time we grabbed the camera, he was a little tuckered out, so I think we only capture about 1 1/2 "steps" on the video. Oh well, he's stinkin' cute anyway. All our best! The Peters

Thursday, February 15, 2007


February has been filled with some new firsts! Kjell had his first moment when he realized that girls are much more complicated creatures than boys. You can tell from the "holy smokes!" look on his face in the picture where he is having a conversation with his buddy Little Miss Lucy Dyer. He also was perplexed by how the balloon worked. We couldn't leave the store without one though, because his squeals of delight and grunts of enthusiasm were too precious to miss. He just kept reaching out toward the balloons on display in the local grocery store and wiggling and grunting.
His bottom set of teeth are visible in the picture of Kjell driving. He thinks he is pretty hot stuff when he is cruisin' in his Jitterbuggy. Thanks Uncle Gray and Aunt Heather and Lucy!!!

This entry is dedicated to Auntie Anna by the way, who keeps telling me that I need to add a new posting the the blog.