Saturday, July 26, 2008

Jamie Graduates and gets a j-o-b

We're a little late with this news, but I've finished my MAT program, received my master's degree and even lined up a job for next year. I received my license in the mail this week, so now I'm official. Since I'm a new teacher, I have to start back to work a week before the rest of the teachers (Aug. 18th). Kids start the day after labor day. I'm excited to have lined up a job in the grade level and subject that I was targeting. I'll be teaching math to middle school kids (mostly 6th graders). I'm sure that I'll have lots of good stories to tell. In the meantime, here's a few photos from my graduation.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mini-golf in NC

We have lots of good stuff to share from our trip to Charlotte. So much good stuff, that we'll have to post it in stages. To start, photos of Cade and Kjell playing in the first annual mini-golf extravaganza. A little history.... When Jamie and Cory were young, we would visit Poppa and Penny P each summer for about a month. On the last night of each annual trip we all would play mini-golf as one last fun event.

Penny thought it would be fun to start the same tradition with her grandsons. It was a lot of fun. The boys wore matching putt-putt t-shirts and we all had fun. Kjell's version of playing golf was to hit the ball once (in some random direction) and then pick the ball up and drop it in the hole. Cade's version of playing golf was running full speed all over the course while his parents did their best to keep up.

Enjoy the photos!