Noak is doing well. His first few days have included a trip to the doctor's office to see Dr. Farah, a walk with his Grammie Sara, some good rocking and cuddling with Grammy Judy, and plenty of eating and pooping. He also made a trip to his big bro's school classroom for pick-up time yesterday. Kjell was proud as a peacock and couldn't wait to come and see "Baby Bruzzer."
Noak tries to be quiet at night (which is awfully hard) because Daddy has to be up early for school. He and Daddy look quite alike and they are often found in deep conversations while Noak is on the changing table. So far, Noak has peed on himself about 3 or 4 times, which really riles him up. Mommy is not quick enough on the draw with the fresh diapers.
Kjell has been a big helper. He is sharing his toys (including his prized and beloved cars) with his sweet baby brother. He has tried to nurse his stuffed tiger, Growlers to make sure he is fed like his brother. He also has been doling out the kisses and hugs regularly. Yesterday morning he made Mommy's heart melt when he came back to give Noak a kiss before he left for school. It had slipped his mind at first, but he remembered before he got out to the car with Daddy.
Benjamin's Bobcats Birthday Party with Rufus
12 years ago