Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Summer Fun , Kjellisms, and Noak's New Tricks

We've been having a great summer here in Salem. Kjell has been keeping us guessing and giggling with his new tactics of negotiating and his views about life and his future. He's also started having trouble falling asleep. So, he tries to convince us to sleep with him for, "lots of hours." He said, quite seriously the other day. "Mom, your bed is cold. My bed is cozy!"

As I was making breakfast this morning (french toast), Kjell told me that he wasn't up for such jobs when he grows up. He said with conviction, "I'll have my wife do that job Mom. It's messy!"

When I told him that he might have a hard time finding a wife if he expected her to do all the messy work in his family, he said they would "take turns."

I also asked him where he planned on meeting the future Mrs. Kjell Peters. He said that he would, "meet her on a team." I asked him if they would be on the team together. He said quite casually that they would not. She would "show up" at the end of his games when he plays for the Panthers. So, it's settled. Kjell will be working as an NFL player and supporting his old mom and dad in about 20 years. Sounds good to us!

Kjell is also trying to learn the value of a dollar lately. He has the goal of owning a gold Honda just like Daddy's when he is older. He told Jamie he doesn't want to wait to be grown up, but would rather buy one now with his piggy bank. Jamie explained he'd need to save up his money. So, he's been doing chores around the house to earn dimes. He's pretty motivated, so it may not be long before we need a bigger garage.

We had loads of fun on Noak's first camping trip too. Both boys had a really fun time and were troopers. They slept pretty well all told and were pretty adventurous. Kjell, Gram, Dad, and Bop went on few Geo Caches (hope I spelled that correctly), and Kjell used a magnifying glass to find bugs and look at some large plastic bugs that Gram had brought just in case real bugs were scarce at the campground. We'll add some pictures soon.