We had our first Christmas of the season on Saturday, up at Poppa and Penny P's house. Good times were had by all. Per tradition, we all watched Christmas Vacation and then made personal pan pizzas in the kitchen. Mine was quite easily the best, although Cory disagreed mightily. He still can't fathom that his big brother enjoys vegetables.

Here I am sporting two of my newest Christmas gifts. The Ducks' running jacket is from Cory and Leslie. They found it in Vogue magazine - proving how hip it is to root for Oregon. The stuffed chocolate lab is riding comfortably in our new Baby Bjorn, compliments of Poppa and Penny P. Here in about 5 months, baby P will be riding in that little number.

This is not at all Christmas related, but some of the grandparents-to-be haven't yet seen our nursery pattern. If you can't quite make it out, it includes little hippos, elephants, lions and giraffes - oh my!