Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Noak's First Few Days

Noak is doing well. His first few days have included a trip to the doctor's office to see Dr. Farah, a walk with his Grammie Sara, some good rocking and cuddling with Grammy Judy, and plenty of eating and pooping. He also made a trip to his big bro's school classroom for pick-up time yesterday. Kjell was proud as a peacock and couldn't wait to come and see "Baby Bruzzer."

Noak tries to be quiet at night (which is awfully hard) because Daddy has to be up early for school. He and Daddy look quite alike and they are often found in deep conversations while Noak is on the changing table. So far, Noak has peed on himself about 3 or 4 times, which really riles him up. Mommy is not quick enough on the draw with the fresh diapers.

Kjell has been a big helper. He is sharing his toys (including his prized and beloved cars) with his sweet baby brother. He has tried to nurse his stuffed tiger, Growlers to make sure he is fed like his brother. He also has been doling out the kisses and hugs regularly. Yesterday morning he made Mommy's heart melt when he came back to give Noak a kiss before he left for school. It had slipped his mind at first, but he remembered before he got out to the car with Daddy.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Noak's welcome home video

With the arrival of both of our boys, I have created a little "music video" to welcome them home. Kjell's was never posted to the blog, because we didn't know how to post video to the blog back in the dark ages of 2006. Here are both:

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Battle of the Hair...

Noak has a mighty mane of hair, as seen in these photos...

But, he doesn't even come close to the hair that his Dad had at birth and 7 weeks. If the wives' tails are correct, can you imagine how much heartburn Grammie Sara had to endure? Looks like I could have donated my hair to "Locks of Love" before even leaving the hospital:

It took Kjell until he was almost 3 years old to be able to compete follicly with his Dad and baby brother:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

He's Here! Introducing Noak Milo

At 6:02 PM PT, Noak Milo Osterholme Peters entered the world. Noak is pronounced like Noah (you know, he of the Ark) plus a 'k' sound at the end. He weighed in at 8lbs. 4 oz. and was about 21 in. long. He has a full head of hair that mostly looks red (who would have guessed?). He and Maija are both doing great, but it was quite a chore getting him here. Maija pushed for 1hr. 40minutes. He was head down, but facing forward, which made it hard for him to make it around all the curves.

We're SO excited to have him here. Noak will get to meet big brother Kjell tomorrow morning.

Here are the first photos, from when he was just minutes old (click on the photos to enlarge):

Pushing to start...

Doctor is here. We'll start pushing in the next 15 minutes or so. Hopefully, baby isn't more than an hour or so away.

Getting closer

Maija is progressing nicely. So far, no need for pitocen. She did get the epidural about 45 minutes ago, so she's much more comfortable now. The nurses just measured her at about 8cm. Hopefully we'll have more to announce in a little while.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wednesday (2/18) is set to be the day

We have a tentative appointment to go in to the hospital tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM PT to have Maija induced. Baby #2 was due on Monday the 9th, but to this point has shown no signs of breaking out on his own. So, if there is room in the hospital, we'll be starting labor tomorrow morning. We'll have pictures and more information as soon as he's here.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

No baby yet

We'll try to get news and photos up here as soon as Baby Peters 2 is here, but for now... No baby yet.

Due date is the 9th, so it could be any day, but at this point, nothing seems imminent.