So, July and August have really gotten away from us. I can hardly believe that Jamie starts school to begin his MAT program next week and that I begin school inservice days the following Monday. We have meant to do a better job keeping this page updated. However, the move and settling in, as well as our many trips up and down Oregon's highways have kept us hopping and mostly away from real computer time.
Kjell has taken three steps, but no real repeat performances of that feat have occurred in the last two weeks. We did get to introduce Kjell to his Grandma Georgia. She is ninety now and recently moved to a foster care facility where she seems to be doing very well. She looked pretty in her favorite color the day that we saw her and even remembered Kjell's name during our conversation. Short term memory is her biggest struggle right now, but his "beautiful blue eyes" made quite an impression.
Kjell also is making some more sounds and noises. He is starting to mimic us much more. He makes quite a few animal noises, though sometimes he pretends that he has forgotten them. I think he just likes hearing Jamie and I moo and oink. We just finished up with two nice visits with Grandmas. Sara was here to give me time to work in my classroom. Many thanks, Gram! Then we went to Astoria to visit Grandma Judy where we enjoyed some seafood and the local farmers' market.
We're also mostly installed at our new place. We are accepting visitors. So, book your reservations soon. We miss all of our other coast friends and family. In our "free" time we've been exploring Salem a bit and becoming reaquainted with it. Kjell rode the carousel at the riverfront park and seemed to be wary of all those horses. He didn't cry exactly, but was very vigilant like he was with his first swimming lessons. His most recent lessons have demonstrated much more comfort with the water. However, the local pool is too cold. He prefers Gramma Sara's country club pool with it's almost bathlike water. We make do with what we've got in town, but sometimes we have to leave the pool early since our skinny little guy ends up with a blue quivering lip before the end of the half-hour.