In the photo it may be hard to tell, but I'd like to go on the record as saying that my sillohette, while never slender and willowy, and plenty "sturdy" before pregnancy, has changed drastically since August. In the last two weeks, I've gone from looking like I've had too many Christmas cookies to having quite the portly protruding middle. For the record I did have too many cookies, but that doesn't seem to be the cause of the belly.
As all of you who know me well will easily recall, I have a tendency to worry about any health "issues", so the last several months have been quite interesting for Jamie and me. Jamie has been very patient with my incessant nervousness, and I hope the little man has too. Otherwise, when he comes to greet us, he'll be one whale of a hypochondriac...but at least he'll come by it naturally.
From the ultrasound photos today it appears that contrary to Jamie's and my predictions, our child will have a fairly normal little nose. Since both Jamie's and mine are crooked (and in the same direction no less) we were a little worried that if this "beauty mark" was compounded genetically that our little one would have a nose on all but sideways. Knock on wood, that doesn't appear to be how genetics work. For those of you who've been patient enough to wade through all this minutia, thanks. This is my first post and I had to at least show I could compete with Moose (who is a fine writer for one not blessed with opposable thumbs).
Sophie & I are sitting here very excited about your little boy - she even started groovin' when I began this reply! Hopefully the ultrasound relieved some of your worries - it is nice to see everything normal in there - the "important" things like brain & heart and of course the nose.
Of course, after our ultrasound I replaced the health concerns with wondering about the accuracy of the news we were having a girl (it seems less definite when one is looking for the absence of parts rather than seeing the "turtle") especially as the mountain of pink grew. My first question to the doctor when Sophie was born was, "Is it really a girl?"
Enjoy the cookies (especially now when you aren't getting weighed every week!)
Love, Lydia & Sophie
I love the picture! Can remember G. Georgia 'posing' my at about 8 months to send to your Dad in Vietnam. I looked like I had swallowed a watermelon. Amy refused any photo evidence.
Love, Aunt Linda
Hi Maija! Brian and I loved your picture-take LOTS even though you may not want to. Mom is not exactly correct-there is evidence. Brian took some pictures of my bare tummy just 2 days before Abby arrived-oh dear! I hope you are enjoying your pregnancy-it is so fun to feel that little baby move! :) Are you telling names? I can't remember.
Take care!
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