These pictures are from recent visits from Auntie Anna and "Auntie Ang" who both loved Kjell almost as much as we do! Kjell is growing very big as you can see. There is also a disclaimer for the most recent family photo. Our darling little fellow does not have googley eyes as it may appear in the picture. It's a bad angle, but the only way to get the family in together was to take a self portrait. Moose would have loved to take it for us, but lacks the opposable thumbs of course. The picture of Kjell hanging out solo includes some of his favorite things---the background is his hand-knit blanket from Gramma Sara. In the foreground are his little blue bear buddy and also a security blanket from his friends the Goguens which will help Kjell learn to spell his name in the future.

1 comment:
What a hot looking babe in that last picture! And Kjell's pretty cute, too!
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