Some of our more ardent blog watchers (ahem...Auntie Anna...) have been asking, perhaps even needling, us for some more photos of The Bean. So, without too much further ado, here he is enjoying some of his more recent activities. He loved his airplane ride--yet another way that he takes after Daddy. He also has been getting a huge kick out of Grandbobby and his many tricks. These talents include the following(note this list is not by any means exhaustive): funny faces, guitar strumming and guitar lessons, fishy claps, exaggerated "Ohs" and magic carpet rides. The rest of us are a little bit of chopped liver right now, but we're trying to console ourselves with the fact that Kjell is getting pretty heavy to pack around. That's the price Grandbobby must pay for Kjell's adoration of him! I think he's okay with it. Kjell has also recently had several firsts. He took his first swimming lessons. These were met with a constant state of high alert and vigilance over his own safety (here he takes after Mama). Let's just say we won't be expecting him to take after Grandpa Nels with his great swimming prowess. He has just been really enjoying his time with his Oregon Grands. He loves the cows outside Gma Judy's house. He touches his stroller wheels on both the Pacific and Atlantic's shores in the course of one month's time. Not everybody can claim that! He was introduced to peanut butter sandwiches by Gramma Sara and can now safely enjoy monster cookies as well. Thank heavens for no peanut allergies so far....knock on wood...we feel bad for our dear friends who do have them, because boy is peanut butter good. Kjell has also been enjoying the bounty of Oregon's berry harvest. We've had sweet delicious strawberries, and now some raspberries and blackberries. He "helped" his gram and Mama make freezer jam too. He comprehends many basic sentences now. Unfortunately, he seems to also have some frustration at not being able to say more "real" words to us. This results in a fair amount of whining and grunting at times. We hope this will suffice for an update. I may try to put some more pictures up soon.

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